House Valuers oberon

enough for this  get out in front get out early get out  in front stay in front and we all do yet  we identity all day so I this is the  time i think if any of our attendees  have questions they can they can present  them post them let us know we have got  two amazingly talented and knowledgeable  folks here that can answer your  questions and and of course if you have

  questions specifically for sure fire you  can call the House Valuers oberon number here on your screen  or email Lauren am at surefire social  calm and they are capable and interested  in answering any conceivable questions  you have I’m going to be calling them  because I have I have some questions  about the changes in pay-per-click  marketing we’ve we’ve been spending a  lot of time on getting some of our  pieces in place for myopia control but  we haven’t really I personally haven’t

  looked into you know had words and other  other forms recently and I know there’s  been a lot of changes in that so I I’m  interested in talking to a sure fire and  had them kind of educating me on those  options in my area great yeah the PPC  side of things is pretty exciting from  the standpoint of one google is just  expanding its AdWords functionality one  of the biggest updates of late is  something called expanded text ads so  that just means you’ve got more real  estate

in Google’s search ad unit   pitch and and that’s been a significant  change and then just generally speaking  across the ability to track into report  and and so going back to the simple  question of where do I put my  advertising dollar the answer for us is  always with Google it’s with google for  a couple high-level reasons one its the  visibility that you get for that ad  dollar spent you’re not going to find  better visibility and reporting you know 

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